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Goodbye and thank you for taking care of me all this time…please don’t forget me (Resident)

Thank you for changing my life for better (Resident)

I will always call this place my home (Resident)

I like all the staff here, they treat me very well (Resident)


Education Training and Employment (ETE)

Whilst staying at GFS, all young people have the opportunity to prepare themselves to get ready for work and training.

“Great Future……empowering the present”

GFS works closely with various training providers that offer courses including ESOL and apprenticeships in construction, painting, decorating, plumbing, hospitality and many other professions.   As well as our links with training providers, we also have links with local colleges situated in our community.

An expectation of the programme at GFS is that all young people in our provision must be active in securing suitable training, employment or apprenticeships. Young people sometimes need a lot of help and advice so they can make the right choices.   Our mentors are there to support young people through the process.

Training provider opportunities allow young people to participate and have a go in real jobs and training programmes that are designed to meet their needs through bespoke packages which will help develop

Using modern technology is important in our daily work with young people.

Young people are very good at using technology and so it is important to enhance their skills and to tap into this when communicating with them. When young people are away from placement we use mobile phones, texts and WhatsApp to communicate with them. When they are at placement all our sites have WiFi access that clients can use. This internet access is protected by firewall and security to keep them safe when browsing the net.
We also use YouTube videos where it is interactive or engaging in teaching different life skills such as budgeting.
During key working we use computers to do internet searches on what opportunities are available to our young people. We also help them to do job searches, college or training applications and submitting these applications online. These are some examples of how we use modern technology in our daily work with young people.

Key work sessions

GFS aims is to provide targeted and personalised care and support in supported accommodation to young people (age 16 -18) and vulnerable adults particularly those deemed as challenging or hard to engage. We believe every child deserves an opportunity to maximise their potential and that with the right support and care, every child can achieve successful outcomes for their lives while learning to live independently. GFS recognises the GFS keywork programme is designed to promote life-long learning and build better civic relationships.

Direct work may also involve:

Advocacy to help voice concerns to others
Help complete job application forms and assist with job searches

Help with CV writing

Help with interview skills and techniques
Accompany to colleges and training providers
One to one support in personal living skills
Someone to talk to at any time – a young person needs to speak to an adult about personal issues or just a general chit-chat
Book support to accompany young people to community activities and social trips to places of interest for example the gym or sports facilities or events.
Ask about dangers of drinks, drugs, smoking and risky sexual activity

Recovery Pathway

We understand that everyone who seeks our support is different and their needs are individual to them. We believe in enabling people to lead their own recovery at their own pace by supporting their decisions about the care they receive.

Mentoring services:

We support and encourage our client to live independently whilst encouraging them develop and enhance their skills and manage their stress.
We assist and support our client with their housing difficulties, provide education with budgeting, debt management and the payment of bills.
We support our clients to build community and good neighbourhood relations aiding in sustaining their tenancy and promote independent living.
In the event of relapse we provide support if independent lifestyle is at risk due to health or other related issues.
We have skilled advisors who assist our clients in understanding the importance of accessing welfare benefits and other entitlements.
We encourage our clients to manage and control their mental health and provide the support needed and also encourage our clients to live a balanced lifestyle by healthy eating and exercise.
We promote lifelong learning and consistently support our clients to get involved in education.
We partner with providers and voluntary agencies who tailor in-house training programmes aimed at assisting in employment or voluntary work.
We support and encourage our clients to develop their social skills and improve their social networks as well as engagement with appropriate agencies.

We assist and encourage our clients to engage and keep appointments with external agencies namely; local mental health services, drug and alcohol services, primary healthcare services, counselling, General Practice, statutory services, social services, voluntary agencies and disability services.

Our Team

Our team of experienced social work and support staff are a culturally diverse and exceptional selection of staff. They are suitably qualified and possess the skills and experience necessary to support young people with complex challenging behaviours and vulnerable adults with mental health and substance misuse problems. The staff maintains appropriate levels of care and support; Managers/ Directors are on call daily with 24-hour support.
Our Team ensures the direction and strategy is implemented effectively for the benefit of young people and vulnerable adults using our services. Between them they have many years of experience in delivering leaving care and mental health services and working closely with socially excluded groups.